We build responsible investment portfolios for our clients. From there we address risks and create positive social impact through advocacy, specifically at several shareholder meetings this quarter. As the world turned its attention to systemic racism and police brutality against Black people, we continued to challenge racist policies and outcomes regarding companies in our portfolio and beyond. During this time, we also kept up work related to COVID-19 and the climate crisis.
Impact Report 2020
Zevin Asset Management proudly publishes our second comprehensive review of the positive impact we create on behalf of our clients. Our Impact Report covers the period since fall 2018. Download the report and listen to Pat Miguel Tomaino, Director of Socially Responsible Investing, discuss our 2020 Impact Report.
Q1 2020 Impact Update
At Zevin Asset Management, we build responsible investment portfolios for our clients. We then address risks and create positive social impact by engaging with portfolio companies. As the start of 2020 brought uncertainty related to the novel coronavirus outbreak, we continued challenging companies for accountability and positive change.
Q4 2019 Impact Update
Q3 2019 Impact Update
In the third quarter of 2019, we continued using shareholder advocacy for positive impact and long-term risk management. This work included submitting a shareholder proposal challenging Apple on human rights and diversity, engaging with Costco about food systems and sustainable protein, meeting with UPS about climate change strategy, and contacting several pharmaceutical companies about global access to medicines and the Sustainable Development Goals.
You can read about all of these initiatives and more in our Q3 Impact Update. Contact our Director of Socially Responsible Investing Pat Miguel Tomaino (pat@zevin.com) with any questions, comments, or suggestions.