Sustainable and Responsible Asset Management

What sets Socially Responsible Investment Advisors apart from Traditional Advisors?



Sustainable Asset Management Expertise and Advocacy

For more than 25 years, Zevin Asset Management has empowered individuals, families, and foundations to achieve their financial goals without compromising on the issues that matter most. We have a long history of identifying and addressing investment risks and opportunities stemming from social and environmental issues. Executive meetings, letter-writing, campaign pressure, and shareholder proposals are among the many tactics we employ to hold companies accountable and press for change that benefits employees, stakeholders, communities, ecosystems, and investors.


Issues we address

Climate change risk | Workplace diversity | Racial equity | Economic justice, wages and supply chain risk management |
Paid family leave | Drug pricing and health equity | Mass incarceration | Responsible financial services | Community relations and product safety | Executive pay | Sustainable food and animal welfare | Corporate political influence
and more…

Image of a snowy forest from a birds-eye view.

If these are issues that matter to you, get in touch.

Learn how you can make an impact on the issues that matter most to you.


key pillars of our approach

Zevin Asset Management’s seasoned team approaches social responsibility not only as an ethical good, but also as an essential tool to reduce risk, find opportunities, and deliver competitive performance over the long term.

Image of leaves of a tree from up close.

ESG Integration

We analyze environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors at all levels of our investment process to give us insights into potential risks and opportunities at the regional, country, industry, and company levels and to help us build portfolios with lower risk profiles.

Image of an orange rock formation.

Shareholder Advocacy

No company is perfect, and every company can improve to better address major ESG risks and opportunities. So, after we build a portfolio, we channel our clients’ investor voices to catalyze change.

Image of blades of wheat.


We apply both negative and positive screens to our clients’ portfolios — excluding companies whose business practices are not in keeping with our standards of social responsibility, and actively seeking companies whose products, services, or practices contribute positively to society.

Image of rippling water with a sunset reflect.

Proxy Voting

On behalf of our clients, we vote on issues before the boards of companies in our clients’ portfolios in annual company meetings. All voting decisions are intended to meet our fiduciary obligations to our clients, which include support for high standards of corporate governance as well as social and environmental responsibility.


Impact Reporting

2024 impact report

A deep dive into our socially responsible investment activities and impact, our biennial impact report details our approach and the results of our engagements.

Quarterly Updates Image


Each quarter, we share highlights from our shareholder engagement, through which we address risks and contribute to positive social and environmental impact on behalf of our clients.


Interested in learning more?

Email us today for more information.