At Zevin Asset Management, we build responsible investment portfolios for our clients. We then address risks and create positive social impact by engaging with portfolio companies. In the third quarter of 2021, we persisted in challenging companies, and Congress, for accountability and positive change focusing on worker rights, strengthening our democracy, and shining a light on corporate involvement in public policy across a range of issues.
Q2 2021 Impact Update
At Zevin Asset Management, we build responsible investment portfolios for our clients. We then address risks and create positive social impact by engaging with portfolio companies.
Structural racism, surveillance technology, and worker safety, wellness, and wages were all brought to the table at Amazon’s annual meeting earlier this month. Shareholders made clear that the company needs to adopt better corporate governance to properly address these issues. We presented a proposal asking for an independent chair on Amazon’s board of directors. We believe Jeff Bezos will not foster fresh perspectives to counter the problems Amazon faces given that he created many of them as founder and CEO.
Q1 2021 Impact Update
At Zevin Asset Management, we build responsible investment portfolios for our clients. We then address risks and create positive social impact by engaging with portfolio companies. We use a range of techniques to move companies toward better environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices, but shareholder proposals are often necessary to turn up the heat. In Q1, we received word that several of our proposals would appear on company ballots in the coming months.
Q4 2020 Impact Update
At Zevin Asset Management, we build responsible investment portfolios for our clients. We then address risks and create positive social impact by engaging with portfolio companies. As 2020 draws to a close, it is clearer than ever that three of the most pressing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues facing companies (and society) are COVID-19, racial injustice, and climate change. Our advocacy helped to move companies toward better practice in each of these areas.
Q3 2020 Impact Update
At Zevin Asset Management, we build responsible investment portfolios for our clients. We then address risks and create positive social impact by engaging with portfolio companies. In the third quarter of 2020, we continued challenging companies for accountability and positive change on environmental destruction and deforestation, labor standards, and racial justice.