War! What Is It Good For?

The clas­sic anti-​war song of the 1960s “War” per­formed by Edwin Starr for Motown records was intended as a protest against mil­i­tary con­flict dur­ing the war in Viet­nam. The singer’s bold and defin­i­tive con­clu­sion that war is good for “absolutely noth­ing” is equally applic­a­ble to the mis­guided pol­icy of trade wars. Yet here we are in the early days of this exact pol­icy blun­der, which has been con­demned as short­sighted and destruc­tive by vir­tu­ally every econ­o­mist, polit­i­cal sci­en­tist, busi­ness leader, and elected offi­cial — save one: Pres­i­dent Trump.

Zevin Asset Management Named a Leading Money Manager for Positive Impact

Zevin Asset Management has been honored as a leading socially responsible investment manager by experts at Real Impact Tracker. Real Impact Tracker is an easy-to-use, new tool to help individuals and institutions find money managers that create positive social and environmental benefit with their investments. Real Impact Tracker estimates that only 7 percent of investment funds would qualify for the certification Zevin Asset Management has received. Read more about this new tool and Zevin's rating.

Q4 2017 Advocacy Update

In the fourth quarter of 2017, we continued using shareholder advocacy for positive impact and long-term risk management. We led climate risk proposals at oil and gas majors, continued our push on paid family leave and human capital management, pushed TJX on supply chain working conditions, and co-filed a first-ever proposal for opioid accountability in the pharmaceutical sector. Pat Miguel Tomaino has our quarterly Advocacy Update.

Zevin Gives on Giving Tuesday

For the past five years, the Tuesday following Thanksgiving has been dubbed Giving Tuesday, as an antidote to the more grossly commercial Black Friday and Cyber Monday. While any day is a good day to give to organizations whose missions you believe in, Giving Tuesday acts as an encouragement and a reminder of the impact that can be made through the generosity of individuals and institutions. We wanted to take this opportunity to inform you about just a few of the organizations that Zevin supports, not only today but also throughout the year.