Q2 2020 Impact Update

We build responsible investment portfolios for our clients. From there we address risks and create positive social impact through advocacy, specifically at several shareholder meetings this quarter. As the world turned its attention to systemic racism and police brutality against Black people, we continued to challenge racist policies and outcomes regarding companies in our portfolio and beyond. During this time, we also kept up work related to COVID-19 and the climate crisis.

Moving Money - Supporting Solutions for Racial Justice

We are enraged at the violence directed against Black people in America and the murders perpetrated by police forces, whose supposed purpose is to protect all citizens. We are also grateful to all the people who are protesting and risking their lives for change.

We acknowledge our complicity in all this suffering. As bearers of class and wealth privilege, we must locate our position in this system of oppression and put our skills as professional investors in the service of Black communities, justice, and reparation.