Zevin Asset Management’s Global Equity and Global Appreciation with Income Strategies Named to PSN Top Guns List of Best Performing Strategies for Q4 2022

For the third consecutive quarter, Zevin Asset Management’s Global Equity strategy has been named to the PSN Top Guns List of best performing separate accounts, managed accounts, and managed ETF strategies. Zevin Asset Management's Global Appreciation with Income strategy has also been named to the same list for the first time. In addition to Q4 2022, the firm received the same recognition for its Global Equity strategy in Q3 2022 and Q2 2022. The highly anticipated list, published by Zephyr, remains one of the most important references for investors and asset managers.

Read our statement to learn more.

Q4 2022 Market Outlook

Until recently, we had been living in a decade-long easy money environment marked by low interest rates and a strong economy. We saw significant appreciation in many different types of assets driven by an insensitivity to valuation. The music stopped in 2022 when central banks around the world started raising interest rates in a concerted effort to fight global inflation.

Q4 2022 Impact Update

This quarter we joined fellow shareholder advocates in filing shareholder proposals, the culmination of corporate engagements from the months prior. We also took stock of our efforts and accomplishments to build sustainability in our portfolio companies beyond ESG risk analyses. In reflecting on our progress, we are reminded of our responsibility to harness our investor voice to make a difference.

The Storm Before the Calm?

We don’t think we are alone in saying that we will be happy to have 2022 in the rear-view mirror. This was a year filled with pervasive and relentless unrest, conflict, and sorrow. In 2022, Orwellian propaganda, doublespeak, and outright disinformation policies continued to spread around the globe. When the Merriam-Webster dictionary selects “gaslighting” as the word of the year – you know it was an unpleasant year.

Zevin Asset Management’s Global Equity Strategy Named to PSN Top Guns List of Best Performing Strategies for Q3 2022

For the second consecutive quarter, Zevin Asset Management's Global Equity strategy has been named to the PSN Top Guns List of best performing separate accounts, managed accounts, and managed ETF strategies. In addition to Q3 2022, the firm received the same recognition for Q2 2022. The highly anticipated list, published by Zephyr, remains one of the most important references for investors and asset managers.

Read our statement to learn more.