As of April 23, 2019, Zevin Asset Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®). This claim has been independently verified for the period of 12/31/2007 to 12/31/2017. The firm’s verification was conducted by ACA Performance Services.
Q1 2019 Impact Update
In the first quarter of 2019, we continued using shareholder advocacy for positive impact and long-term risk management. Among other work, our proposal on lobbying ethics performed very well at Disney’s annual shareholder meeting; we continued a dialogue on responsible lending and customer protection with the Indian banking giant HDFC; we testified at the Boston City Council in support of divesting public funds from companies that profit from mass incarceration; and we joined with other investors pressing large banks to stop financing oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
You can read about all of these initiatives and get a detailed account of our advocacy dialogue with The TJX Companies (parent of T.J. Maxx and Marshall’s) in our Q1 Impact Update. Contact our Director of Socially Responsible Investing Pat Miguel Tomaino ( with any questions, comments, or suggestions.
5G Rising
At this point, you have likely heard the term “5G” thrown around in similar fashion to AI (artificial intelligence), autonomous driving, and IoT (internet of things). The evolution of fifth-generation (hence, 5G) cellular/mobile networks will provide a host of opportunities for businesses, consumers, public entities, and investors alike in the years ahead as the new mobile communication superhighway will facilitate the faster transmission of increasingly large data volumes. While increased data flow brings with it incremental cybersecurity and personal information sharing challenges, if managed responsibly the benefits of 5G stand to outweigh the risks.
Testifying for Responsible Investment in Boston
Q4 2018 Impact Update
In the fourth quarter of 2018, we continued using shareholder advocacy for positive impact and long-term risk management. We filed several shareholder proposals challenging companies to link executive pay to long-term sustainable performance, promote inclusion, and improve lobbying ethics. We also co-authored an important letter to Amazon, urged world governments to act on climate change, and participated in a pathbreaking working group on investing and racial justice. You can read about all of these initiatives and get a detailed account of our advocacy dialogue with Ecolab in our quarterly Impact Update.