Q3 2019 Impact Update

In the third quarter of 2019, we continued using shareholder advocacy for positive impact and long-term risk management. This work included submitting a shareholder proposal challenging Apple on human rights and diversity, engaging with Costco about food systems and sustainable protein, meeting with UPS about climate change strategy, and contacting several pharmaceutical companies about global access to medicines and the Sustainable Development Goals.

You can read about all of these initiatives and more in our Q3 Impact Update. Contact our Director of Socially Responsible Investing Pat Miguel Tomaino (pat@zevin.com) with any questions, comments, or suggestions.

How can investors help confront racial injustice?

A responsible investment approach should be informed by the real world beyond balance sheets and earnings statements. At Zevin Asset Management, we examine key environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors to shape our view of the future and find companies that respect people and planet.

That is why, as impact investors, we must confront racial injustice. Inequality and injustice based on race, after all, were founding economic realities of American life. Two centuries later, inequality, abuse, and discrimination are still present in every sector — in education, housing, healthcare, and policing.

Zevin Asset Management Honored as Best for the World 2019

For the fourth year in a row, we have earned a place on the Best for the World lists within the Certified B Corporation community. This year Zevin Asset Management was named Best for Customers by scoring in the top 10 percent of all Certified B Corps because of our firm’s focus on serving clients as we help solve pressing social and environmental issues.

Q2 2019 Impact Update

In the second quarter of 2019, we continued using shareholder advocacy for positive impact and long-term risk management. This work included challenging companies with shareholder proposals on executive compensation, sustainability, and diversity/inclusion; tangling with Walmart on labor standards and shareholder rights; and calling out the practices of donor advised funds that let philanthropic dollars flow to racist and anti-LGBTQ hate groups.

You can read about all of these initiatives and more in our Q2 Impact Update. Contact our Director of Socially Responsible Investing Pat Miguel Tomaino (pat@zevin.com) with any questions, comments, or suggestions.